Stories that tell Covid how we really feel, where a Centipede God watches on with wry humour and wrath, where a sexy Samoan goes on a hot Tinder date in Honolulu, where a New Zealand doctor is horrified to be stuck at her cousin’s kava drink up in Fiji, where Moana people travel the stars and navigate planets, stories where Ancestors and Atua live and breathe. Stories that defy colonial boundaries, and draw on the storytelling and oratory that is our inheritance. Immerse yourself in the intrigue, fantasy, humour and magic of beautiful strong stories by 38 writers from across the Moana. Chimamanda Adichie speaks about the danger of the single story. In this book you will travel across oceans and meet diverse and deep characters in over 50 rich stories from Cook Island, Chamorro, Erub Island (Torres Strait), Fijian, Hawaiian, Māori, Ni-Vanuatu, Papua New Guinean, Rotuman, Samoan and Tongan writers. Compiled and edited by award-winning writers Sisilia Eteuati and Lani Wendt Young, this anthology is the first of its kind. Never before have so many Moana women writers gathered together to share their stories.
Contributors -
Amy Tielu, Arihia Latham, Ashlee Sturme, Audrey Teuki Brown Pereira, Caroline
Matamua, Cassie Hart, Courtney Leigh Sit-Kam Malasi Thierry, Dahlia Malaeulu, Denise
Carter Bennett, Emmaline Pickering Martin, Filifotu Vaai, Dr Gina Cole, Isabella Naiduki,
Dr Karlo Mila, Kiri Piahana-Wong, Lani Wendt Young, Laura Toailoa, Lauren Keenan,
Lehua Parker, Lily Ann Eteuati, Mere Taito, Momoe Malietoa Von Reiche, Nadine Anne
Hura, Nafanua PK, Nichole Brown, Nicki Perese, Dr Niusila Faamanatu-Eteuati, Ria
Masae, Rebecca Tobo Olul-Hossen, Dr Salote Timuiapaepatele Vaai Siaosi, Shirley
Simmonds, Sisilia Eteuati, Stacey Kokaua, Steph Matuku, Sylvia Nakachi, Tanya Kang
Chargualaf, Tulia Thompson, Vanessa Collins.